Guy Fawkes Day Top 5 Explosive Reads!

Guy Fawkes day is a celebration of... well fireworks and this man who attempted to blow up the British parliament but no one really remembers him. In celebration of getting out sparklers and booming firecrackers I decided to come up with my top five explosive reads! Essentially my firework books! ;)
My definition of an explosive read would be that I got to the end and felt like a firework! Exploding with happiness, excitement and HELL YES! energy. Cue Katy Perry:

1. Soul Survivor - By Katana Collins
Read this series. The end.

2. Undeniable - By Madeline Sheehan
Sheehan writes with balls. By that I mean huge ounces of bad ass spunk with slap you in the face reality.

3. Finding Cinderella - By Colleen Hoover
Young Adult but so refreshing and frank with humour to spare.

4. Wicked Beat - By Olivia Cunning
The dear Olivia Cunning slams you up against the wall with her sexy Sinners once again.

5. Archangel's Legion - By Nalini Singh
I haven't read it yet but, forgive me for being presumptuous, I know it's going to give me new life.



  1. Seeing as I have not read even one of these it looks like I have a LOT of catching up to do! I mean, I really don't want to be missing out on explosive reads! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks for reading! Definitely don't miss out on these five books :) Explosive reads are always the most fun!
