The minute I saw Vincent Sorenson, I knew he was trouble. Billionaire. Bad boy. And dangerously sexy. He was everything I craved, and nothing I needed. Unfortunately, I couldn’t just avoid him. The higher ups at my company decided they needed his business, and I was on the team to bring him in. Vincent Sorenson didn’t seem as interested in business as he was in me, but I knew that was a door better left unopened. If I got involved with him, it would only unearth the pain I spent years trying to bury. I thought I had it under control, but I seriously underestimated Vincent’s seductive charm and silver-tongue. I would soon find out how delicious it would feel to let myself fall into this forbidden surrender.
We meet Kristen and Vincent in South Africa. He's a surfer boy/engineer turned business and is looking for a company to manage his money. Kristen is part of the firm trying to win Vincent's hand in money marriage with her boss Richard. Richard is a snob and talks down to Vincent, Vincent is smarter than he appears and thinks of crossing the firm off his list of possibilities but his interest in Kristen prevents that. She walks into the meeting, trips over because he's so hot *rolls eyes* and gropes Vincent's chest in her attempt not to fall to the ground like an idiot. From that point on Vincent is set on getting into Kristen's pants and good graces. Kristen pleads employer/employee relationship is a breach of professionalism but Vincent's not about to let that stop him.
Vincent isn't as much of a bad boy as he is a thrill seeker. He likes the rush of surfing, doing spider shots (read it) and flying his private jet places. He's a giant sweetheart and not as demanding and distanced as most literary billionaire type males. My favourite line of his is when he talks about protecting Kristen - "you're not asking me to but I will." I practically sighed out loud.
I'm not sure I like Kristen - she turned into Ditzy McStumblepants while in the interview, groped Vincent's nipple rings and could barely pull herself together. It didn't seem to go with her hyper professional business type personality because I totally saw her keeping calm DESPITE Vincent being hot to trot. It's not that I dislike her for stumbling, I disliked how affected her character was by a man standing there in a t-shirt and shorts - come on! I didn't like how she lied to her boss Richard when she receives a promotion because it just seemed unnecessary - Kristen got the job because of how well she worked and presented their pitch in her diagrams not because Vincent wants to sleep with her so why hide it?! Her constant pleading that a relationship would be unprofessional starts to sound like a whiney excuse and I just wanted her to grow a pair and say "okay. Let's do this" or "I said no and I mean it. Back off buddy." She practically runs to Vincent's bed to get away from her ex instead of making the decision entirely on her own. In a more positive light my favourite line of hers has all of the spark I wish she held on to - "As your advisor, I recommend you hang up the phone, then with that same hand pleasure yourself until your arm goes numb or you're satisfied - whichever comes first. Once you're finished, you'll have forgotten all about me." Damn girl, I love that sass.
The ending came a little too soon and I am assuming this a novella due to the length. We had only really gotten started before it ended. I'm excited to see where we go next in this series because once we get into the novel it really picks up. I was disappointed at the cut off point but I will be picking up books two and three because I can see the potential awesomeness shining through in this first installment. While it isn't a 5 star book it is well worth a read especially if you have a thing for sexy billionaire types. Just don't expect a moody demanding guy like Christian Grey because Vincent is pure Prince Charming!
xxx Literary George
Thank you to NetGalley and Priscilla West for the copy in exchange for an honest review!
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